fp:Call for Projects

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Call for Projects

to exhibit at the

20th LinuxTag
May 08 – 10, 2014
Station, Berlin, Germany

Address any other questions to the Projects Committee at projects@linuxtag.org.


Call for Projects

  • Proposals for workshops deadline: March 5, 2014
  • Application deadline: March 22, 2014
  • Acceptance notifications: early April, 2014
  • 20th LinuxTag: May 08 – 10, 2014

Projects Wanted for LinuxTag

Non-profit Linux and Free Software projects can now apply for sponsored booth space at the combined LinuxTag and droidcon exhibitions. LinuxTag provides exhibition space and furniture so that organizations can present their software or hardware projects to a wide audience of Linux and Android professionals and enthusiasts.

Space is limited, so projects with exciting booth concepts for hands-on, interactive, and well-decorated exhibits that engage the visitors are given preferential treatment. Interested projects need to register at our virtual Conference Center (vCC) until March 22nd, 2014.

Commercial Exhibitors

While Open Source projects of companies are welcome as well, we ask companies to sign up for a bronze sponsoring package for the sake of fairness. More infos about sponsoring opportunities can be found at sponsor options pdf. LinuxTag is a volunteer-run, not-for-profit event, thus we rely on sponsors to help us pay for the venue, catering, network, and all exhibition furniture.

New time schedule

The conference utilizes a new time scheme starting from Thursday, May 8th to Saturday, May 10th. The exhibition is open from 9am to 6pm during all three days. Booths needs to be continuously staffed during these times. While the conference extends to the evening (until 10pm) (this year for the first time) on Thursday and Friday, the exhibition is generally closed during that time. On special request it is possible for small projects to present themselves on a single demonstration point (only on Friday and Saturday).

Most probably Thursday evening the LinuxNacht party will take place at or very close to the venue.

Special Events

It is possible and appreciated to have special hackathons, devrooms, workshops or small booth parties during the evening. During daytime the availability of these formats is unfortunately very limited due to room restrictions. We especially encourage projects to submit proposals for evening workshops with hands-on topics aimed at wider audiences. Proposals for these events can be submitted in our virtual Conference Center (vCC) until March 5th, 2014.

Subject to change without notice. Registered projects will be informed of changes.
