fp:Lunch 2008

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Revision as of 15:02, 18 May 2008 by Gilla (Talk | contribs)
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As one result of our feedback sheet from last year's event we saw the need and your appreciation for the free lunch we were able to offer only because of the generous sponsoring by tarent. LinuxTag wants to express it thanks to Elmar Geese and his team - thank you for your support.

tarent offered to continue the sponsorship and we are right now discussing to can improve the free project's lunch whilst decreasing the costs. (You all can imagine how expensive it is to get for all 4 days a lunch for about 300 people.) Therefore we need your help: we need volunteers who help preparing the lunch during the morning. This means going to a supermarket and buying the stuff, setting up a room and preparing sandwiches and possibly salads or something similar. We need per day at least 6 volunteers.


Day Shopping (8:30-10:30)
2+ volunteers
"Cooking" (10:00-12:00)
4+ volunteers
Cleanup (13.30-15:00)
2+ volunteers
Wednesday, May 28th FSFE (1) Fedora Project (2 persons)
Thursday, May 29th Fedora Project (2 persons) Kubuntu Community (4 persons) FSFE (1)
Friday, May 30th DANTE e.V. (3 persons) + FSFE (1) Kubuntu Community (2 persons)
Saturday, May 31st FSFE (1)