vp:Claim back your device 2013

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Track im vCC / Trackliste

Motivation: Unsere Gesellschaft hat durch die Entwicklung des Computers über die letzten Jahrzehnte zu einer Universalmaschine ein leistungsfähiges Werkzeug geschaffen, mit dem alle möglichen Aufgaben von einer einzigen Maschine ausgeführt werden können. GNU/Linux läuft heute auf Servern, Desktop, Laptops, Mobiltelefonen, Tablets, Fernsehapperaten, E-Book-Readern, Routern und vielem mehr. Doch viele IT-Hersteller erschweren die selbstbestimmte Nutzung von Freier Software auf diesen Geräten. Sie nehmen uns die Kontrolle darüber, was wir genau mit diesen Geräten machen können und was mit den darauf enthaltenen Daten geschiet. Der Track soll zeigen, wie Hersteller uns die Kontrolle über unsere Computer entziehen und welche konkreten Möglichkeiten bestehen, selbst über die Software auf unseren Geräten zu bestimmen und damit die Kontrolle über die eigenen Geräte zu behalten.

Titel ändern auf: "Reclaim your device"


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Vorschläge für Vorträge oder Sprecher


  • Karsten Gerloff "All watched over by machines of loving grace?" - confirmed (45 Minuten)
 Computers are woven into the fabric of our daily lives. They are the machines
 we use to create knowledge, they let us talk and write to each other, they
 are the cars, trains and planes that we use to move around.
 Computers are so tremendously useful because they are general purpose
 machines. We routinely use them to create and do things that the people who
 built them never dreamed of.
 Yet we are in the middle of an intense battle for control of these computers.
 Corporations are busy turning general purpose computers into mere shopping
 devices. Instead of choosing our destiny, we only get to choose our masters.
 It doesn't have to be this way. Are we heading for a world of corporate
 surveillance, where our choices will be bought and sold? Or are we going to
 create a world where we live in freedom and take charge of our lives?
  • Erik Albers "Liberate your mobile android device" - confirmed
  • Georg Hofstetter and Michael Zöller - Magic Lantern- Free Software on your camera - confirmed (Projector with HDMI available for live demo?)
 Magic Lantern is a free open source add-on for Canon EOS DSLR cameras, that
 offers increased functionality aimed mainly at DSLR enthusiasts and power
 users. It is very similar to CHDK for Canon compact cameras and it runs
 alongside Canon's own firmware, by hooking into the startup process.
 This talk will present a live demonstration of Magic Lantern, showing some of
 its unique functionalities and will cover the hardware and software internals
 of Canon's camera operating system DryOS. It also will show that programming
 your DSLR is quite similar to programming any embedded ARM device in plain C.
 Finally, since Magic Lantern is not endorsed by Canon in any way, we will
 also present some legal aspects that every firmware modder should be aware
  • Tristan Nitot - "Firefox OS" - Confirmed (maybe speaker changes)
  • Henri Bergius - the MeeGo Diaspora and its future - confirmed
 In mid-2000s, Nokia - the then-giant of the mobile world - launched something
 revolutionary. The Maemo line of pocket-sized Internet Tablets with their
 large touchscreens was something new for the world used to clunky laptops and
 phones with number pads on them. And more importantly, these devices ran the
 Linux OS with the full stack of desktop technologies on them. Unlike other
 platforms of their time, Maemo was also open, in the way that users were
 actually in full control of their devices.
 This sparked a series of interesting developments and user-driven innovation,
 essentially giving the free software enthusiasts a preview of what another
 company with later dub the "post-PC era".
 But Nokia had a problem: their traditional smartphone OS, Symbian, was still
 dominating the market. In the classic Innovator's Dilemma, this prevented
 them from making a real push into the market with Maemo, and so new entrants
 like iOS and Android were able to take over. In early 2011, this culminated
 in Nokia abandoning their own efforts and joining forces with Microsoft in
 order to try to build a "third ecosystem" into the market.
 However, true to the free nature of the Linux environment, this didn't kill
 the dream for a truly open smartphone. Several companies and development
 teams took the challenge, and continued the work from where Nokia left off.
 Mer, the community-developed version of Nokia's MeeGo, and the corporate
 Tizen provide a solid basis for further development, and new start-ups like
 Jolla have formed to build free and exciting mobile devices on top of them.
 This session tells the story of Maemo and MeeGo, and looks at the emerging
 constellation of new companies and products emerging from them.
  • Jonas Smedegaard "Freedom Box - giving power back to the users" - confirmed
  • Benjamin Mako Hill "Antifeatures" - handed over to Nils, want to have him for Saturday keynote.
  • Cathy Malmrose "UEFI SecureBoot - What, why, when, where and how SecureBoot changes the way we build Free Software" - confirmed


  • TBA - How to use E-Books without DRM - contacted Christian Kalkhoff - waiting for reply
  • TBA - Ubuntuphone
  • Samsung Fernseher??? / xmbc?
  • NBD@openwrt.org, Mirko Vogt - OpenWRT - waiting for reply
  • Christoph Jerolimov

(Track mit Hardwarebasteleien vorhanden, evtl. auch xmbc dort drin.)


Session Chair: Matthias Kirschner

Ansprechpartner im Programmkomitee: Nils Magnus


Die Session-Chairs planen, bis zum xx. Januar 2013 eine geordnete Liste mit vCC-IDs an das PK zu übermitteln.

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