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Please take a look first at the list of available furniture:

Try to use the same terminology in the table below. Also check out the section about costs and budget and request only the furniture you can use appropriately.

Note that requests are requests only. We have a limited budget and may change your requests as we deem appropriate.

2012 Booths

Hall plans

Note: we expect some more changes to these plans, especially concerning

  • N.N. - Holarse (Games)
  • 7.2b N.N. - Gentoo Linux
  • 7.2a 102 - move FusionDirectory?
  • 7.2a 103 - move/split if too crowded
  • 7.2a 181c - Project Meeting Point
  • 7.2a 114 - move TeX if we get more space close by
  • Lockpicking and CAcert/secure-u: if space opens up close to LinuxTag, we may move you inside the halls

Furniture Requests 2012

Dear Projects! If you share your booth with other projects, please discuss with them which part of the booth your project will occupy and change the order in this table accordingly (left-to-right order - like it would be printed in hall plan). This will help us to place the furniture at the correct location.

Hall Booth# ProjectName(s) Name on booth (Blendenbeschriftung) Furniture Requests Furniture we bring ourselves Storage Room Requests (Kabine) We need a Projector Board (yes/no) Items and furniture we could provide for other projects Additional Comments
7.2a 101 OpenStreetMap, Navit, FOSSGIS/OSGEO
7.2a 102 M23, FusionDirectory
7.2a 103 Clonezilla, Relax & Recover, YADT
7.2a 104 Privacy Corner
7.2a 105 BeLUG, LinuxWorks!
7.2a 106 Qt Project, Horde, KDE, Gnome
7.2a 113 LinuxTag Project Office, LibreOffice, Moneypenny
7.2a 114 TeX/LaTeX und Typografie DANTE e.V.
7.2a 115 Sugar Labs, Skolelinux, X2Go-Community.org, x2go
7.2a 116 Wikimedia (D, CH, Ö), Kiwix, Tntnet
7.2a 117 drupal User Group Berlin, TYPO3, ScientificCMS
7.2a 118 Django, Pyramid, Python, OpenSlides, Plone, Zope
7.2a 154 Stricktux, FSFE, freedroidz, YaCy
7.2a 167 Libav, XBMC, VideoLAN
7.2a  ? 181c Project Meeting Point: appMode, OpenPhoenux/GTA04, PostfixAdmin, OTRS-Community/OtterHub
7.2b 201 NetBSD, FreeBSD, BSDCertification Group
7.2b 202 openSUSE Community
7.2b 203 CentOS, Fedora Project
7.2b 204 Büro 2.0, ownCloud
7.2b 205 Mageia.Org, MandrivaUser.de
7.2b 206 Debian GNU/Linux, Kanotix, siduction
7.2b 252 Ubuntu Community, kubuntu-de.org, lubuntu, Communtu Ubuntu Lounge
7.2b 263 BerliOS
7.2b 278 OpenEmbedded, coreboot, Forth Gesellschaft, freifunk, Kamailio, SEMS, NAO Robots(?)
7.2b N.N. Gentoo Linux
N.N. N.N. Holarse (Games)
between entrance hall and 7.2a "Erste Nische" Lockpicking
between entrance hall and 7.2a "Zweite Nische" CAcert, secure-u
Entrance hall Garderobe Merchandisind Stand