fp:Booth Set-up and Breakdown
From LinuxTag Public Wiki
You can set-up your booth the one day before LinuxTag opens its doors. On Tuesday, May 27th, you set-up and decorate your booth from 11 am to 8 pm. The earlier you arrive and begin with this the better for all to solve eventually arising problems here. We hope that the booth basics are ready for you when you arrive. Otherwise, please stand nearby, and make sure to have a guard at your stuff.
Because LinuxTag will be opened on Wednesday, May 28th, by some officials there is no way to set-up your booth this day, it has to be done before.
As usual it is not permitted to start dismantling your booth on Saturday, May 31st, before the show officially closes. Please do not start packing your equipment before 6:30 pm. You also can dismantle your booth on Sunday, June 1st, from 7 am to 10 pm.
To get into the exhibition halls during set-up, we will send you special exhibitor passes, which are only valid for the set-up and dismantling time. We will send them to our project contact person. Please update your postal address until two weeks before the set-up day.